
Channel Crossings

The two worlds jostled in my head. Why take sides in the unavoidable point scoring: NHS against la Sécu, cheddar or Cantal, collective action or civil liberty? I have grown to savour the comings and goings, the ferries fast and seedy, turbulent crossings, shimmering ports. In this back and forth ritual, each farewell to friends is balanced by the anticipation of renewed intimacy. But there is sadness too as I pace the deck, waving goodbye in my mind’s eye to an ageing relative, for a last time, maybe.

Why not have fun keeping notes on characters I would love to meet in the Languedoc? Perhaps write a story implanted in an area I have come to be so fond of, the Hauts Cantons of Hérault and the Valley of the Orb. Not another Happy Brits Abroad story, not the ex-pat’s view of ‘The French’, not an autobiography: but a tale of two cultures, with dramatic twists.


  1. I enjoyed this book. I finished it all in about five days. I loved the character of William. He was so perfectly English. A twisting story but very real and beautifully written.

  2. I'm enjoyed this article just I finished it all in about five days. I loved the character of William. He was so perfectly English. Thanks for the nice posting.
